10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty

When it comes to just about any topic, it seems as if the public discourse on the internet is dominated by rhetoric and propaganda. People are either selling products or ideology. In fact, just because someone may come across as calm and knowledgeable does not mean you should let your guard down and trust what they say. What you need to look for is a track record of intellectual honesty. Let me therefore propose 10 signs of intellectual honesty.

1. Do not overstate the power of your argument. One’s sense of conviction should be in proportion to the level of clear evidence assessable by most. If someone portrays their opponents as being either stupid or dishonest for disagreeing, intellectual dishonesty is probably in play. Intellectual honesty is most often associated with humility, not arrogance.

2. Show a willingness to publicly acknowledge that reasonable alternative viewpoints exist. The alternative views do not have to be treated as equally valid or powerful, but rarely is it the case that one and only one viewpoint has a complete monopoly on reason and evidence.

3. Be willing to publicly acknowledge and question one’s own assumptions and biases. All of us rely on assumptions when applying our world view to make sense of the data about the world. And all of us bring various biases to the table.

4. Be willing to publicly acknowledge where your argument is weak. Almost all arguments have weak spots, but those who are trying to sell an ideology will have great difficulty with this point and would rather obscure or downplay any weak points.

5. Be willing to publicly acknowledge when you are wrong. Those selling an ideology likewise have great difficulty admitting to being wrong, as this undercuts the rhetoric and image that is being sold. You get small points for admitting to being wrong on trivial matters and big points for admitting to being wrong on substantive points. You lose big points for failing to admit being wrong on something trivial.

6. Demonstrate consistency. A clear sign of intellectual dishonesty is when someone extensively relies on double standards. Typically, an excessively high standard is applied to the perceived opponent(s), while a very low standard is applied to the ideologues’ allies.

7. Address the argument instead of attacking the person making the argument. Ad hominem arguments are a clear sign of intellectual dishonesty. However, often times, the dishonesty is more subtle. For example, someone might make a token effort at debunking an argument and then turn significant attention to the person making the argument, relying on stereotypes, guilt-by-association, and innocent-sounding gotcha questions.

8. When addressing an argument, do not misrepresent it. A common tactic of the intellectually dishonest is to portray their opponent’s argument in straw man terms. In politics, this is called spin. Typically, such tactics eschew quoting the person in context, but instead rely heavily on out-of-context quotes, paraphrasing and impression. When addressing an argument, one should shows signs of having made a serious effort to first understand the argument and then accurately represent it in its strongest form.

9. Show a commitment to critical thinking. ‘Nuff said.

10. Be willing to publicly acknowledge when a point or criticism is good. If someone is unable or unwilling to admit when their opponent raises a good point or makes a good criticism, it demonstrates an unwillingness to participate in the give-and-take that characterizes an honest exchange.

While no one is perfect, and even those who strive for intellectual honesty can have a bad day, simply be on the look out for how many and how often these criteria apply to someone. In the arena of public discourse, it is not intelligence or knowledge that matters most – it is whether you can trust the intelligence or knowledge of another. After all, intelligence and knowledge can sometimes be the best tools of an intellectually dishonest approach.

– Mike Gene

4 responses to “10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty

  1. The above essay was originally posted on my old blog and garnered close to 200,000 hits once the dust settled. The reaction from across the blogosphere was overwhelmingly positive. Here are some of the responses it generated:

    • Excellent post….I hope people really take the time to read and digest this. I’ve often thought that we really need to learn and teach proper debating skills and etiquette here, just to make the arguements more productive and more manageable. Personally, I choose to stay out of dicussions because I feel that they all too often descend into mud slinging matches, which get far too personal. Guidelines like these really help us to sharpen our skills. Thank you!

    • The thing here is, that those guidelines should be the mantra of everyday human to human interaction.

    • Stars and flag! For this post, great thread, we all can learn something here.

    • This is a great post.

    • A highly-poignant post reminding us of a standard that seems to be all-too-often overlooked by many net scribers.

    • Great post! (star&flag)

    • Some should let the original author about this thread. We’re all giving thumbs up to the great writing, but he might not even know about it.


    I think those rules are a valuable guide in to creating an environment that fosters learning of all participants.
    I tend to think though that those who are already intellectually honest have already internalized these rules,
    and those who are not intellectually honest will ignore and use the naivete of the honest ones to manipulate the rules.
    Apart from that caveat I think it’s a wonderful summary.


    “The 10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty”, written by Mike Gene and published October 20, 2008 on TheDesignMatrix.com, does an excellent job of outlining an extremely important concept. I do my very best every day to ensure I am completely honest with myself and others, and there is little doubt that the world would be a much better place if everyone else did the same.


    Excellent list.


    I thought this was really good especially with all the stuff going around with the current elections.


    Mike Gene has a great article on assessing all the heated arguments between now and election day—or anytime. Here are excerpts and main points from The 10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty

    • Who’s intellectually honest?

    My friend Kneal Leininger just sent me a good blog post called 10 Signs of Intellectual Honesty that will help you decide if you are an honest seeker or a phony poseur. It’s a long struggle toward truth, but that post will help you check that you’re moving in the right direction.

    Get Wisdom

    I am sorely disappointed when these blogs exhibit the sorts of intellectual dishonesty against which Mike Gene is speaking. No argument is one-sided, and no one side of an argument has the corner on truth, worth, or “right-ness.” We would all do better in our writing – and not just our writing, but our speaking, our debating, and even our conversational dispositions – if we were to strive for a higher standard of intellectual honesty. Because, at its foundations, intellectual honesty is nothing more than respecting the worth of your fellow humans and respecting everyone’s right to be thinking beings.


  2. Well done. I have provided a link to this page from my blog at: http://yandoo.wordpress.com/links/

  3. 200,000 hits? I’m impressed.

  4. Well said. Thank you.

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